About Us

Paper Road Press is a New Zealand publisher of ‘books from beyond the beaten track’ – compelling stories that explore new horizons, that poke holes in old genres and stitch them up with something new.

A ‘paper road’ is a road that officially exists, but actually doesn’t. You can find it on a map, even on published plans – but good luck trying to walk down it. Paper Road Press publishes stories about similarly hard-to-find places. Our books map out might-have-beens, could-yet-bes, and wouldn’t-it-be-cool-ifs. They are, however, yet to be the subject of any cartographic efforts.

Paper Road Press is currently on hiatus.


Marie Hodgkinson founded Paper Road Press in 2013. She is the former editor of the award-winning Semaphore Magazine (2007-2011) and a graduate of the Whitireia Diploma of Publishing.

Contact Marie at marie@paperroadpress.co.nz

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