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Paper Road Press re-opening for novel and novella submissions

After a period of frantic inactivity on the longform acquisitions front, Paper Road Press will be reopening for novel and novella submissions on Friday 31 July.

As usual we will be on the lookout for science fiction, fantasy, and/or generally fun and quirky stories for publication in print and ebook formats. Novel submissions should be at least 50,000 words long, and novellas 20,000 to 50,000 words.

We are also, excitingly, upgrading from our previous “send us an email and we’ll put it in a folder” system to running submissions through Submittable. Once submissions open on 31 July you will be able to send us your work via our Submittable submissions portal. And if you go there now, you’ll find the option to submit a short story to our upcoming short story anthology At the Edge, which you should definitely also do.

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